Roehampton Garden Society

Keeping Bees or Poultry

Wandsworth has specific regulations and advice about keeping Bees or Poultry on allotments.


Bees provide an invaluable service in pollinating crops and have traditionally been a good friend to farmers and fruit growers. There is a long association of bee keeping in the allotment tradition.

The beekeeper owes a duty of care to the public in the vicinity of the hives, including residents and passers by. Please read the Bee Keeping Agreement with care (see Documents to Read.)


Wandsworth has strict rules about keeping poultry on allotments. You are permitted to keep chickens, bantams and hens for laying eggs, but NOT other poultry (ducks, geese, turkeys, etc) or roosters or cockerels.

There is a separate application to Wandsworth for keeping hens and detailed regulations about health, security and hygiene. Trading is not permitted.

Please read the Poultry Keeping Agreement with care (see Documents to Read.)