Roehampton Garden Society

The RGS Constitution November 2023

The Constitution has been revised – please read the new version here. For comparison, the existing constitution can be read here.

The main differences are:

  • There are different voting rights for all RGS members as opposed to Plot Holders, Plot Holder Partners and Plot Holder Assistants.
  • The roles listed reflect how the Committee is currently structured.
  • Responsibilities for the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer are more explicit especially regarding access to the RGS bank account and authority to enter into contracts with utility providers.
  • Quorum requirements added for General Meetings, both the AGM and EGM. 
  • A disclaimer has been added at the end.

At the AGM there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the new Constitution. The Chair will request that the membership approve the document and thus have it ratified as our new Constitution.