Putney Community Gardens are delighted to invite you to its very first “Welcoming Winter Fair“, on Saturday November 12th, 4pm to 6pm at Boyd Court, with a lantern procession around the gardens from 6:15pm to 7pm.
- Enjoy nice tea, coffee and cakes
- Get affordable early Christmas presents from a selection of homemade products made by some PCG residents
- Learn about what PCG has achieved this year and what projects we are planning for 2023.
- Participate in The Lantern Walk around the neighborhood
- … and more
- Kid’s activities – Raffle – Conviviality- Fun
Could you help with the fair?
We are looking for a FEW VOLUNTEERS TO HELP ON THE DAY AND AT THE LANTERN WORKSHOP THE DAY BEFORE THE EVENT. Please get in touch with Marjorie at info@putneycommunitygardens.org for more details and mention ‘Winter Fair’ in the subject.
If you’re interested in MAKING HANDMADE PRODUCTS TO SELL AT THE FAIR please also contact Marjorie as above. We are welcoming products made from your gardens or foraging such as jams, products from creative crafts and hobbies such as knitted goodies, wooden decorations, etc… As long as you made those products yourself and are willing to sell them at a reasonable price.